After making a recent video, it seemed like a good opportunity to detail the process I do when making YouTube thumbnail images. People tend to judge a book by its cover, so it’s a good idea to put your best effort into making that video “cover” look nice. Links are potentially affiliated in this article, I earn from qualifying purchases! My video on the subject. When I’m out recording for a video I try to take photos that might work as a thumbnail image. If it’s a gear related video, I’ll do a self portrait with the piece of equipment. They don’t always work out, but it’s good to have potential source material. It’s good to try different poses in the hope that one will work out later. This works because I usually have two cameras and a tripod or two with me to produce the video itself. Usually the video camera will have a wide angle lens. That’s the one I use for the photos. Besides simply pressing the shutter button, there are a few other methods depending on the look you want. It