I’ve been going chronologically through my photos for posting on Instagram and came upon one from 2008 in Tokyo Japan that evoked an emotion. I’m tempted to buy an old used G series camera again to mess around with. Looking further into it I noticed that there were multiple pictures of the same overall subject that told a visual story about the area. The camera used (Canon G9) wasn’t anything special, but it did the job. Links are potentially affiliated in this article, I earn from qualifying purchases! The video on YouTube. What do you often do when you see a subject you want to capture? One goal might be to get one great photo. Maybe that means photographing it from different angles or featuring aspects of the subject in many photos until one clicks? The images had a mixture of different focal lengths. The intended focus or theme for each individual photo was also different. Whether or not there was intent, we could be creating a visual story with multiple images. It gave me a gl