I ended up with around 715 photos and a few video clips. My technique was varied and depended on the level of effort at any given point in time. I didn’t bring my manual flash and RF triggers. They take a certain level of effort I don’t find that enjoyable for quick hallway cosplay photos, so moving forward, I probably won’t use them that often for this purpose. I was lucky enough to turn my remaining consignments into a 1-to-1 trade-in for a SB-800 flash unit. I am very happy with the results and simplicity it brings to the table. Facebook Galleries (tag-able): Friday , Saturday , Maid Cafe , Masquerade , and Sunday The SB-800 was used to create a balanced foreground and background exposure. Friday: I arrived pretty late to Arizona and only attended the convention around two hours. I decided to go simple with the Nikon D600, SB-800 flash, and 50mm f1.8 lens. This combination allows for a large amount of general versatility and especially good at night time without too much of a