The initial goal here was to find the cheapest camera I could get and see what I could do with it. My focus was to see if this camera could meet the needs of someone on an extreme budget. Canon EOS 30D and a lens. Kinda like my non-existent YouTube production budget, haha. I think you get the idea here. If this ends up being successful, that will motivate me more to try this with other cameras. Links are potentially affiliated in this article, I earn from qualifying purchases! The video where I receive the camera and work on it to make everything functional. That idea morphed as I spent an unnecessary amount of time browsing used camera shops like and where they give you some type of warranty on gear, which is a nice bonus or necessary depending on your needs. KEH had a 12% off coupon at one point and I took action. It was under $50, but shipping added a bit of extra cost. See what used Canon EOS 30D camera bodies KEH has here (I signed up to be an affiliate