It’s time for another new Android app! My first photography app was for astrophotography. This time I wrote one that generates histograms of pretty much any sized jpeg, gif. png, or bmp you can throw at it. Here is a link to the app on the Android Market. Check out the video I made (Pentax K-5 at 720p 30fps, edited in Kdenlive) As with a lot of my apps, this started with a need that I saw for myself. I wanted to be able to have nice large histograms of my camera images. I also wanted to be able to see histograms of photos I downloaded on my phone or copied over by hand. The app description from the market page: Check the exposure of your images on Android with this histogram generator! Are you interested in checking out your jpeg, png, bmp, and gif files to see if they are properly exposed? It’s easy with this image histogram generator. This application loads those formats in any size, large or small, and allows you to see how luminance and co